Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Je Vais Bien

Ever since childhood.. I have seldom heard a train go by and not wished I was on it. Those whistles sing bewitchment: railways are irresistible bazaars, making along perfectly level no matter what the landscape, improving your mood with speed, and never upsetting your drink. The train can reassure you in awful places - a far cry from the anxious sweats of doom aeroplanes inspire, or the nauseating gas-sickness of the long-distance bus, or the paralysis that afflicts the car passenger. If a train is large and comfortable you don't even need a destination; a corner seat is enough, and you can be one of these travellers who stay in motion, straddling the tracks, and never arrive or feel they ought to - Paul Theroux in The Great Railway Bazaar

1 Pound Sterling - 49.0 Slovak Koruna

- 10.86 Croatian Kuna

- 3.0 Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark

- 362 Hungarian Forint

- 5.71 Polish Zloty

- 41.5 Czech Koruna

I am mentally preparing for my solitary journey through the city of Bratislava, down to Zagreb, crossing the border of Bosnia-Herzegovina towards Sarajevo, then up north along Danube River towards Budapest, to Krakow, then to Prague's Old Royal Palace; once the sane of Bohemian banquets and indoor jousting tournaments.

My dearest companion along the journey will be my only pen and notebook.

I travel in silence, but the words will forever tell my stories.

ps: I have learned something in my French class today. The norm that we heard 'Mayday Mayday' which is the international distress call is actually a French word M'aider M'aider; which means Help Me Help Me. Oh, do not taint the beauty of this language ;)

" La semaine dernière, j'étais occupé avec le diner annuel des malaisiens ànottingham. le matin, j'ai ammené des assistants et des équipements en voiturede Dunkirk, St. Peter's Court, etRaleigh à Portland Building et King's Meadow Campus. J'avais appelé le servicede minibus auparavant de m'aider. Je restais à Portland pour aider les autrespréparer la halle pour le theatre. A midi, je suis allé déjeuné avec mes amis.Nous avons joué au foot à jubilee campus. Après, je suis retourné à l'universitévers 18h30. Les invitées sont arrivées autour de 20h00 et le theatre a commencéà 20h30. Les invitées ont dû monter dans les buses pour y aller. Il a terminé à23h00. Après, mes amis et moi sommes allé manger légèrement et boire. Nous avonsdiscuté jusqu'au le lendemain matin. Pour le reste de la journée, j'étais trèsoccupé et fatigué "


R Halim said...

Hi ijad! How've you been?

OMG! Jennifer friis was my classmate back in high school, a really good friend of mine! Haven't seen her in 5 years..can you please say hi to her for me. Thanx!!


Anonymous said...

looking forward to read about your journey soon..pernah bace "hati ku terluka di bukhara"??..i'm not sure if there's a similarity or not but maybe story of your journey will be something like in the book..

Sharazad said...

hey ruz!
oh ya ya. i will meet her if God permits in Prague from Krakow.
sure will convey ur warm hi to her.


Sharazad said...

dear anonymous.
i haven't read the book that you stated above.
am looking forward to check it out.
btw, wish me a safe, silent journey ;)
